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Friday morning I have to help out at the playroom – three hours with small children – and I am looking forward to that like a prostate exam conducted by a jackhammer operator. At least the operator would take a rest; union rules. The kids just keep going. Then it’s piano lessons; then it’s the Apple Store, where I will not even think about buying the new photo iPod. It just kills me, but I don’t need one. I can’t see any situation where I’d use it. And for once – for once! – that seems to be a compelling argument.
For now.
This means I have to finish the Tuesday column tonight, and have no time for a long, tedious Bleat. Just as well. So, then, to end the weekend on a light & happy note: Dog blogging! Here’s Jasper sitting on a ghastly old quilt Gnat dragged out and put on the basement sofa bed.

He’s a thoughtful dog.
Before the sun fled last week, I took this picture of out the kitchen window.

That’s where I work in the morning and late nights. You can see why I prefer home to the office, no? (For granite counters, I recommend Windex daily and Countertop Magic once a week. It polishes as it cleans! And no necromancy is actually involved; pressing the nozzle of Countertop Magic does not dispense a dozen capering Cleaning Imps who make everything as good as new, then stick out their palms and say in unison “Soul, please.”)
Today, outside my office. I much prefer the reflections of stone to the reflections of glass; stone adds its own interpretation. Glass is just a cover version.

On her last business trip my wife brought back many trinkets given away by vendors, and Gnat’s favorite was this squeezable foot. I asked her why. “Because it’s moist,” she said. Oh.

She will sit at her desk and play her computer games, the mouse in one hand, the foot in the other. At least she used to; the foot has fallen in favor over the last few days.
Don’t you love that headline? Puts many ideas in your head, none of which you want to take up permanent residence lest they pop up in a fever dream. The article also had a picture of Ventura with his beard braids, and trust me: he looks absolutely mad. The last time I saw little strings hanging from someone’s chin it was the final scene of “The Fly.”
Which I saw the other day, incidentally. You know, it’s still pretty good, as scary movies go. Unbelievable EWWWW factor, which is impressive given all the stuff we’ve seen since. And goshers, but Gena Davis was cute, if you can call a nine-foot tall woman cute. Very 80s movie all the way. I almost bought the John Carpenter remake of the Thing today, but then I remember the constant revulsion I felt watching it. So I’ll probably rent it. And I reminded myself that John Carpenter movies often have a big warning label: MUSIC BY JOHN CARPENTER. But this one has a score by Morricone, so that’s a relief.

She wants you to have a Happy Halloween! And so do the seasonal items currently sitting on the old console radio.

As do I.