SHEPPARD'S, Whitewater CA



I'll bet that's the Sheppard family, right there, with Mr. Roy S., his wife, and a kid in cowboy gear. They had two. From a story in the Desert Sun:  

It is believed that Sheppard's will, with its palace of a place almost a-stradde of Highway 99, will become one of the national spots on that transcontinental highway. The reason there's a public telephone in the restaurant and phones are hard to get these days in growing California.

Both Roy and his spouse worked 16 to 18 hours a day to make the place as popular as it is today. MOST IMPORTANT of all, both have opened a cocktail lounge that beggars description in adjectives and superlatives. It is really beautiful. Its opening formally is Friday, and the room Is called the Trail Room which easily blends with-the highways that pass its doors. There Is a piano bar which not only contains a piano but In addition a handsome Hammond organ. 

It burned in 1963.