The Arbuckle Paper:

The story:

Page three, alas, did not survive. But enjoy another Page One story, and put yourself in the shoes of its subject. He woke one day, nervous and depressed; he walked down the street, saw a newsie hawking the Reporter, and he bought a copy. His worst fears. His worst:
Yes,, that's the problem. It's also the good news. Depends on the players.
Do you really have to read page two to know where that's going? The police duly booked the couple on a morals charge, no doubt brought by the wife or nosy neighbors. That's the real story. Who tipped off the paper?
And how many men in positions of respect paused that night at their mistress's door, thought better, and headed home?
Three! And they all went back the next week. Each had a pal at the Reporter, you see. Good guy. On the level. He knew how things worked. |