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Busy night. A few notes:
The picture above is from an ancient structure on W. 29th street in Minneapolis, between Lyndale and Aldrich avenues. It’s a few blocks from the popular Uptown district; new condos are going up all over the neighborhood. It’s around the corner from the antique store where I bought the map, and overlooks an abandoned railway trench now converted to bike trails. It’s possible the building was there before the railroad was put below grade; in any case it’s remarkable that it lasted this long, and that I never noticed it before. Either a late 19th century or early 20th century building – a stable, perhaps. A few more shots, snapped as I drove past:

They sure built them with extra charm back then, eh? The top – which looks straight out of an old cowbow movie – has some ancient electrical wiring. I expect it will be gone some day, replaced by elegant expensive condos that look over into the greenway below. Something tells me someone is holding on to the property until the time is right. Or it’s the secret entrance to an underground anti-space-germ lab. I’d buy either one.
Listening to John William’s “JFK” soundtrack. I’m convinced that a quarter of that film’s effectiveness was due to the score; there’s something about those sad elegiac trumpets with their John-John’s salute heartbreaking tone that lends legitimacy and historical heft to that overcooked piece of nonsense. Great movie, though. Really: nonsense from bow to stern, but engrossing nonsense. I should see it again. But not tonight! No, the TiVo is recording “Resident Evil: Apocalypse! Which I will watch only after I remove my eyeballs with a corkscrew. The second one’s the hardest. Before I blind myself, I have to finish one column and write another, so I leave you with linkage for Tuesday.
“Based on the book by F. Scott Fitzizzle.” Warning: music. This film seems to be flying under the radar, but I want to see it. Can't be worse than the Redford version, about which I only remember three things: it lasted 16 hours, was filmed through a thin handkerchief, and pretended that Mia Farrow was irresistable, instead of a tongue depressor with a wig.
GAAH! Don’t DO that! The most unnerving ad I’ve seen in a long while. Just wrong. WRONG. You’ve been warned. Maybe it’s just me, though; some people will find it clever, but there’s something to be said for not violating the things our brains are programmed to see as correct and the things it instantly discards as impossible.
One of these days, Alice, one of these days. Bang. Zoom.
Of course, the Motels; this week we start the Florida extravaganza.
If you read the Quirk, you would have seen this link to a small site I whipped up in honor of the end of telegram service in the US. Five examples of old telegram art. Enjoy, and I’ll see you tomorrow.