We’re back in Springdale, the town that spiffed up its buildings quite nicely. More of the same?
The theater:
Cinematreasures said it ended its days as an X-rated house. Originally, a red-brick front. Now it’s a wedding venue.
A photo of the facade while it was being renovated gives no hints of what it would turn into.
Ah: I came here because of a motel. Here it is in 2019:
Alas. 2021.
The Chamber of Commerce, but . . .
. . . do you suspect it was something else, before? It has the cast of a post office.
That’s as good as you can expect. A round of applause for the caretakers of this one.
Hmm. Interesting windows; usually don’t see that arrangement in buildings of this era. It’s possible it was quite common, and we’re just not used to seeing it.
Again: nice!
And you have to love the teeeeeny tiny hat on top.
The International Style comes to small-town America. This part is clean, if a bit busy.
The other end of the building shows it’s in the early baroque stage of Modernism, with ornamentation that serves no purpose except to establish its contemporary bona fides.
Down the street, there’s . . . a place
Later, it was renovated and was also . . . a place
There it is: massive Buckaroo Revival overhang, bringing in that Hee Haw demo.
And then, in the Springdale way to which we have become accustomed:
A simple restoration.
Well, I wonder how they spiffed this one up.
Can't win them all.
Really, google? I don’t think so. On the contrary!