Welcome to Marshfield. Nineteen thousand souls. Local industry was hit by the 2008 recession, but the Wikipedia page said it has a new industry: processing sand for fracking.

Let's take a look. I'm sure I missed lots of things.

“I’m sick of being a twin, and no one being able to tell us apart! I’m going to find a way to be - to be me!”


Someone upsold the developer a bit of stone. Not a lot. But enough.


Misspellings in the original, in case you wonder what a sown is.

Although occupied by a single merchant, the Noll building was constructed in two separate stages. The north most portion was constructed in 1887 after the fire of June of that year; the south most was constructed between 1887 and 1891. Mr. William Noll directed his sown, Frank, to open a hardware store, as well as a warehouse for storage in 1887.

Yes, two parts. This is considered the Noll building:


“As Mr. Noll will tell you, a stone accent doesn’t cost very much, and adds a pleasant note of distinction.”



Nothing much comes back on Mr. G. It’s not a C; I do get a hit on A. M. GREISINGER in the local paper, but it’s just rote government stuff.

Why, yes, I do suspect the building eventually had two owners.

"You pay to clean the brick, I'll be damned if I waste money on such things.

I’m sure they meant well.

They did keep the name block; it says LAHR, 1887. The Lahr family lived upstairs - Mr., Mrs., nine kids. The missus died up there in 1913.

As I usually say: some “modernizations” still look modern, even though they’re twice as old as others.


Someone got a little eager, looking through the catalog of off-the-shelf decorations.

Classical pediments . . .

. . . and the mail-order pseudo-Sullivan cartouches.

It was an impressive undertaking for a small town, no?


That’s . . . interesting.

The new cornice has a stylized version of the old cornice; bonus points for that. The rest is over-scaled and cartoony, but it gave the old downtown a lift, I’m sure.

Washington sent them out on trains, one after the other, packed in a big box. Where do you want it, Mac?


“I say medians and planters will bring back downtown, and I’ll fight any man who says otherwise.”

With a name like that, you know it’s not really a bank.

But what a gift to the street! Let’s end with some close-ups of the figures.


American art wasn’t fascist, but let’s say it was on the same road, a few lanes over.