finally here: the second novel in the Mill City series. A 1947 Newspaper Noir. Hard-boiled! Action packed!
Official page is here. Or just take the leap and buy it!
This comic mystery / memoir kicks off the Mill City series with a look at Dinkytown USA circa 1980.
Official page is here. Or just take the leap and buy it!
In olden times the back of magazines were stuffed with small ads for things both inscrutable and ghastly to modern eyes. Prostate guns! Foot reducers! This minor diversion can be yours for only a $1.25. Take a look, right here.
My debut novel, now in ebook form - if you want the end of the Mill City series to have a certain satisfying punch, start here.
Official page is here.
Cheap, self-published entertainment. It's an experiment.
Would you like to participate? Convince me I'm doing the right thing by issuing a ripe & robust Bronx cheer to the dying publishing industry, and going it along? Great!
So buy something. Don't make me feel foolish here. I hate feeling foolish.