The first fellow asked to typeset this ad probably looked at the work order and threw himself out a window.

Yes, Math can give you richer, fuller living! And thanks to our patented system that plays on your initial curiosity, eventual boredom, inability to get around to sending the other book back, and the gnawing shame you feel when you even think about canceling a self-improvement course, you’ll soon have an entire library of volumes on your shelf, their spines proudly proclaiming your professed ignorance in a wide variety of subjects, as well as the fact that these things must now be “made simple” for you, a grown man.

Shown much smaller than actual size! Really! The type in this ad is like Dewey Defeats Truman, compared to what’s in the book. The type in the book looks like carefully arranged ant intestines. The entire series is actually funded by the American Spectacle Institute.