After the war, sociologists believe there arose a great backlash against the forces that had produced the conflict, and this led to the rise of a new type of man . Intellectual, epicene, unconcerned with the traditional expressions of masculinity. “Death Begone” is one of the finest allegories from this time.
The man is comfortable in the kitchen - indeed, empowered, as he uses a form of psychic projection to assist his domestic associate in banishing the dark-clad symbol of death.
Death smiles, knowing her retreat from the scene is but temporary.
In the very center of the work the artist has placed a mechanized food liquefaction unit. A symbol of bounty in these new times, perhaps? After all, they have so much food now they have to invent ways to get rid of it. But it is also a symbol of death’s triumphs, for once the new man - he who celebrates the mind and scorns the brawn - once he tries to fix it, he will lose a hand when he bumps into the switch.
Are men doomed to bleed as well as women? Is dismemberment in the kitchen no less tragic than on the battlefield?