This is why I never read DC: guys like Ultra the Multi-Alien. He’s Four! Four! Four tiresome concepts in one!  He had a lightning for a leg. Lightning. You’d think he’d fall over, or create thunder whenever he took off his pants. At the very least he'd blow out the fuses for the entire city whenever he stepped in the shower. There's a guy no one wanted to see at the Florsheim store. Ground yourself, Henry, it's that horrid smelly thing again.

Presumably he’d have to hop on one leg to aim his lightning foot, which would take some practice. Then again, hopping probably came naturally to him, since he also had a bird’s leg, which also gave him the most fearsome branch-grasping power the world had ever seen. His green side provided great strength, and the other part had magnetizing powers. In short, a mighty, if overly elaborate, force for good. But you wouldn’t want to send him after the Underwater Plastic People.

He debuted in #103, performed the standard acts of selflessness for three issues, made us doubt our previous estimation of his motivations in the issue seen above, reaffirmed his heroic motivations, then carried the "Mystery in Space" banner for four more action-packed issues before DC cancelled the entire comic, much as one would burn down a house to get rid of termites.

Beaked aliens. Always with the beaked aliens, those DC artists.