The new logo is up on the building, without the paper’s - SORRY, the Minnesota StarTribune’s name. It’s like running into your ex and she got a facelift and you’re not quite sure what to say.
Something I noticed on the way to work simply because I crossed the street at a different spot.
Just something someone put up outside their apartment. It's a working fountain, too. It's the unnecessary loveliness that makes a city.
Did errands Tuesday night, and as I headed back home, to my surprise, I had the “end of summer, hot night, freeway, loud music” moment I’ve been lacking in 2024. Punched it and turned it up. Of all songs, “Keep on a’ Rockin’ Me” by Steve Miller, whom I never loved, but never disliked. Occasionally I would give in and listen without judgment. Nice clean guitars, actual drums, but the man did not know how to plan a road trip.
I’ve been from Phoenix Arizona all the way to Tacoma
Philadelphia Atlanta LA
Nnnnnnothern California where the girls are warmer
So I can be with my sweet baby yay
Now, it’s possible he flew, and had a convoluted itinerary because of various business or personal obligations, or complicated connecting flights. I don’t know why it matters that the girls are warmer in Northern California - something asserted contrary to the climate - when he seemed to be intent on being with one specific girl. He repeats this over and over, of course. Made millions of dollars.
The band was formed in 1966. That was 58 years ago. Mr. Miller is 80. This does not seem possible. It does not seem possible that any of those guys around in the 70s and 80s would be octogenarians, because those are “old guys” like my Grandma, stooped and wrinkled. I saw a picture of Phil Collins today, and he looked like he weighed six ounces. Of course, he’s not been well. Rod Stewart will be 80 in 2025. Elvis Costello turns 70 next year.
Checking his wikipedia page, a line that sums up Elvis' entire career:
His first album, My Aim Is True (1977), is widely regarded as one of the best debuts in popular music history.[citation needed] It spawned no hit singles,
Perhaps it seems odd because the greats of previous eras just keeled over in their 60s. Al Jolson kicked off at 64. I think people were just used to the people who made the music of their youth showing up in a two-inch obit on page B-7.

I have nothing else to report. An ordinary day in the new style. Birch got in some burr-bushes and came back from the walk with 12,034,564 burrs buried in his fur. He pulled some off with his teeth and chewed them: crunchy! He still has a gammy leg, and we're going back for X-rays and other expensive diagnostic measures on Thursday. The vet had said it might be a tick that caused lameness, and prescribed antibiotics, but they've had no effect. He still runs like crazy after squirrels and he's up for any walk, and there's no tenderness.
But he hobbles, and it breaks my heart. Game smile and eager eyes, and that damned Festus hitch.
It’s 1971.
We're still with the newspaper we looked at last week. Rare two-week visit.
Vox populi:
Wonder if he lost his job when the well filled with water.
Dave ought to note that if he disagreed with Daniel he was forgoing his chance to complain about Daniel's candidates.

The headlines suggests the animals themselves were scammed.

Actress profile:
Trust me, the picture probably wasn't much clearer in the original. |
There’s something juuuuust a tad misogynistic about scripts like this, but hey, free spirit! Truly free! Age of Aquarius man
Bird was born on September 26, 1953 in Long Island, New York. Laurie was working as a model when she was chosen by director Monte Hellman, from nearly 500 women, to portray "The Girl" in Two-Lane Blacktop (1971). Bird gave a fine and impressively natural performance in her film debut as the chatty and rootless hippie wanderer, "The Girl", in Hellman's extraordinary road movie masterpiece.
She was likewise excellent as Harry Dean Stanton's snippy young wife, "Dody Burke White", in Hellman's bleakly fascinating character study Cockfighter (1974). Following her small role as Paul Simon's L.A. girlfriend in Woody Allen's Annie Hall (1977), Laurie quit acting, altogether, and became a photographer. Bird committed suicide in boyfriend Art Garfunkel's Manhattan penthouse, at the tragically young age of 25, on June 15, 1979.
That’s terribly sad. I can see her in my head in the LA party scene.
Also, she played Simon's girlfriend and was Garfunkel's girlfriend

Bennett Cerf, not just reduced to bad jokes, but taking inexplicable jokes from others:
Cerf, you recall, was the witty boulevardier and erudite publisher. But he had a weakness for the lame jape.

Martin Milner!
One of the things that sticks out about Adam-12 was how much of an absolute diq Milner's character was most of the time, but you couldn't blame him.
He'd seen a lot.

For subscribers, something later today:
That'll do. Next for you: more gas! In fact, no rationing here. Twice the usual number of pages!