Surprise! Usually there's nothing on a Holiday, but I feel compelled to give you something. A special gift.

1973 Wisconsin newspaper ads!


It's a great message, and no doubt it convinced a lot of people to go there when they needed get some Juneaus.

Does each year bring new meaning? I'm not sure my experience includes constantly renewing underlying messages. But my experience of reading newspaper editorials over the years taught me that they said this every year, back to the 20s and Teens and Tens. It all goes back to the first one.



The "Indian Head" logo wasn't unusual; no one thought anything of it.

The message, when you think about it, is a bit startling, no? An admission, a concession, a statement of fact obvious to all?

First American.


Big question: this is the address. But is this 1973?

Almost. It was built in 1976. Things got a little less brown between '73 and '76.



Not sure they're getting the "Thanksgiving" aspect across; maybe they should use the word more.

It was a common act of kindness. You could count on the churches to do this.

The next ad wouldn't run today. Not because it couldn't. But it just wouldn't.

I've never seen a McDonald's make such an expressly religious statement.

It's a land-title office now.

A land-title office with a drive-through.



Happy Thanksgiving! See you tomorrow with a little bit of this and that, but not much. The Holidays and all that.



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