A vacation day and a vacation weekend. Everything else starts up again tomorrow, with all the usual updates. In lieu of words: pictures! Mostly State Fair, but there is Obligatory Dog.
In the train car devoted to the Ice Capades - yes, there is such a thing at the Fair - I saw this.

You had to be someone to get one of those back then. Specifically, in this case, an advance man for the Ice Capades. Fill the hall, and you get another plaque. For achieving promotion, here's the promotional achievement award!

Between the two you can trace the decline of plaques. For comparison's sake, behold this lovely item, absolutely pristine and untarnished: a plaque from the 1939 Fair.

It's for the "Costume Demonstration Team" event. Imagine what you got when you had the best Apple, or Cow.
Never heard of this model. They had it parked next to a Seaman tractor. Really. Beavis and Butthead nearly laughed themselves ill.

Daughter got a Twin-on-a-stick at the Fair:

More about all this tomorrow. Did I promise canine? Very well. The Dog on the last day of summer.

Oh, this guy? From last Friday?

Orson Welles.
Updates moved to tomorrow; see you then!