That wasn't his real name. He was born Roger Sherman Hoar, but I guess making up a different name with echoes of the fellow who wrote "Winnie the Pooh" gave him more cred in the fantasy biz. More likely he wanted to shield the family from shame. Wikipedia:

The Harvard-educated Hoar was the product of a remarkable New England family—the son of Sherman Hoar, grandson of former US Attorney General Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar, great-grandson of Samuel Hoar, and great-great grandson of American founding father Roger Sherman, a signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Under his own name he wrote the following volumes:

Constitutional Conventions: Their Nature, Powers, and Limitations' Patents: What a Business Executive Should Know About Patents; Conditional Sales: Law and Local Practices for Executive and Lawyer; Unemployment Insurance in Wisconsin

By the way, if you're wondering whether this is a reprint, because the word "radio" had lost its gee-whiz quality, yes. It's from 1924. Plot:

The novel concerns electrical engineer Myles Cabot, who disappears from his home in Boston while performing an experiment. He finds himself transported to the planet Venus where he is captured by the Formians, a race of ant-like creatures. After learning of the Cupians, a human-like race that is subservient to the Formians, Cabot escapes and falls in love with the Cupian princess Lilla. He goes on to introduce the Cupians to gunpowder and leads them in a revolt against their Formian masters.

To be fair, Hoar was in his 20s.