The first in a series of Bleat mugs, designed to clutter up your cupboards until you sell it for a dollar at a yard sale years from now. A larger version can be seen here. Go HERE to order.
Finally! The Computer Programmer MatchbookT-shirt! Click here for a larger view; click here to buy. Note: you're looking at the back view. The front view is tastefully smaller, and delightfully different.
ONLY $15.99

The latest book from the Institute of Official Cheer! “Mommy Knows Worst” is a breezy, slanted, unscientific look at parenting advice through the years. From the peculiar concerns of the 20s (broil ‘em in the sun!) to the lovely, chemical-soaked nutrition of the 50s, this book reassures today’s parents that kids will survive no matter what the experts say. An excellent gift for the expectant or new parent. Thumbs up from the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and People. Really! |
It's the venerable warhouse of the Institute books, the Gallery of Official Cheer, Volume One. If you’ve not experienced the Gallery, a promo site is here. Still in hardcover after all these years, because it just keeps selling. Why? Pick up a copy and find out. Hours of fun. |
I’ll admit we had a problem with Interior Desecrations: there was no way to present the subject matter without making the book as ugly as its topic. In that sense, it’s a success. Revisit the glory days of shag, foil wallpaper, plastic see-thru chairs and all the other Jimmy-Carter era decorating horrors. This is what the “experts” told your parents to do. They’ll tell you again, some day. Be prepared.
You can get a flavor of the book here, if you're curious. |
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Or just throw me a fin, if you like. And thanks! |