Boo! It’s good to know Jenny made it into the age of color newspaper ads. This one hailed from a Sunday supplement in late 50s.

If nothing else, it proves that even Aunt Jenny could eat too much sugar.


  Additional research has revealed there was a Stunt Double, used when the real Aunt Jenny was not available for endorsements.

After this . . . nothing. A decision was made at Lever Brothers HQ - they needed to update their image, modernize the line. The whole Aunt Jenny thing was just too much Grand Ole Opry for contemporary tastes. Sure, it worked once - when there were millions of newly minted housewives desperate to learn how to fry food. But that was then.

Did they sent someone to break the news to Jenny? Did they just send a letter, or make a phone call? What did she think when she heard her services were no longer needed?

Forgotten in an instant. Cast aside.

Or so you might think. Click on.