Whoa: 12 years later, and George got ripped, buffed, and worked over with the early version of the Photoshop blur tool. But he’s not off on some personal power trip; he’s still making REAL HE-MEN - not the ersatz kind, oh no - out of SKINNY and FLABBY weaklings who are revoliing bags of bones that pretty much deserve what they get, because if they’d gone with the Jowett method they’d have a hundred dollars and a BIG silver trophy they could use to bash in the heads of the people who taunt them, like that Big Butch guy who got whipped once but then learned Ju-jitsu and now all the guys admire him and I hate him hate him hate him. Maybe if I just learn whittling and make knives I can tie to my wrist and then I’ll make a cape and jump out a window and stab him from the sky like Batman.
Maybe I’ll just make the cape. I can use Mom’s Singer. |