Yesterday I was walking through the skyway that connects the 333 to the Amerprise building. At the end of the skyway was the custodian. He roams slowly through the public spaces, cleaning up, polishing, vacuuming.

There is not a lot for him to do these days, but he shows up daily and does what little needs to be done.

As I approached he leaned down and plugged his vacuum cleaner into the outlet in the floor. As I passed he clicked the hinge that keeps the handle upright, pulled it towards him, and turned on the machine, just as I passed.

Today I was walking through the skyway that connects the 333 to the Amerprise building. At the end of the skyway was the custodian.

As I approached he leaned down and plugged his vacuum cleaner into the outlet in the floor. As I passed he clicked the hinge that keeps the handle upright, pulled it towards him, and turned on the machine, just as I passed.

I didn’t know how to interpret this. The most obvious explanation was coincidence. The more intriguing explanation was a loop in the holographic program, and I had discovered it by appearing at the exact same time on two “days.” I steeled myself to see the three rather wide individuals I’d trailed, against my will, the day before. But there was a man with a camera.


On the way home, a creature came over the crest of the hill.

The beast came up to my car, stood in front, and yelled at me. I honked; it came around to the side and glared at me.

If he'd said THE JANITOR SENT ME I would have screamed.


The core is outpacing the floors lately.

The weekly sweep:

The Larking reaches its conclusion, I think:

Glassiest of the new housing structures? We'll see.

On the way to work I pass a small new apartment building. It was faced with black brick, which is nice.


Then I took a closer look at the fake shingles.

The eye skitters all over it, looking for repetition, finding it, sliding away to find more.

I don't like it. No sir, I don't.




Oh! But of course


He's right, but it still seems like quite the leap. Solution is here.




The Fifties were the golden age of the radio Western - as well as the western theme.








Another fine show. When I was a kid I thought the title was a set of conditions: if I have a gun, then I will travel.

"Have gun" was not exactly a characteristic that set one apart, but no matter.




Brusque, with the "Have Gun" motif repeated.

  It's teetering on the edge of not being instantly identifiable as "Western."
  "Eh, this will do. They can't all be memorable. Just get him to the next scene."


More to come. More about the show, too.



Now, this month's Tell-Tale Horn, the sound that aways preceded the crash. I think it's a "Gangbusters" clip.





I wonder when "Tonite" became the prefered spelling.

"Golden Strings" and "Crown Records" are usually an indication you're working with a B-level outfit.

It's 1942, and coal is an issue.

That will do; hope you've enjoyed your visits this week.



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