I was surprised to find it has but seven thousand souls.
The founding of the small historical railroad and ranching town of Livingston, Montana is a direct result of the Northern Pacific Railway. This site became a centralized point in the Rockies and the NPR's location for railroad shops to service NPR steam trains before their ascent over the Bozeman Pass, the highest point on the line. Livingston also became the first gateway town to America's first national park, Yellowstone National Park. This is the place to where the NPR began promoting heavily, to visitors from the East.
So, lots of big hotels, right?
Well. This is going to take two weeks.
Let’s start with a tour through time! 2012:
It looks as if they swapped out one old building with another.
Who knows what this once represented?

A hotel, I’m guessing?
Can anyone explain that upper floor?

“Johnson’s Montana Junk.” Okay.
"MANTIQUES." Not okay.

“I just don’t know how to communicate the idea that this is my second run at the concept of Action Antiques. . . . WAIT. A. MINUTE"

Not a town known for its grand hotels, I’m thinking.
“Paint over that HOTEL sign and paint HOTEL, so they know what it is.”

Nice restoration, but the glass block needs to go.

T’was a Standard, I believe.
How long until no one’s around who recognizes these buildings instantly by their original purpose?

Bittersweet palimpest:
It’s like something from the Gatsby era.

And cover it they did:

Two unlikely comrades in one building:

Many places got rid of their perpendicular signs, because they were heavy, and might fall if the bolts loosened.
Not saying that’s a possibility here, no sir.
“Basketball team no longer comes around; might as well brick ‘em up.

Interesting piece of pre-war modernism, ruined by the window treatment:
And by that I mean “the way the windows were treated.”
It’s a Grizzly birthday party!

Oh, say now:
A nice piece of signage; happy it’s survived. Well, is that all there is around here?
Oh, no. Just you wait.

That will suffice, I think. Except that there's more. There's always more.