When did I first announce I was itchy about the lockdown and ready to get out and be amongst the wonders of the world? Feels like a month ago. I am now completely acclimated to downtown, to the normalcy of the empty office, the quiet routines of the day. It's just like before, except I'm alone and I disinfect my hands a lot. If someone hasn't been out in a month or two, ordering everything online, leaving boxes sit in the entryway for a day so the GERMS DIE, the world is going to seem like a frightening place.
On my trips to the office I’ve been noting the new signage intended to keep everyone from getting the IOmnipresent Wuhan Virus, and they do not have a warning against teleporting yourself into a nursing home. If you’re not yet back in the world, this is what it’ll look like. Everywhere.
Outside the building, the helpful stickers are already coming off, giving you that “oh, I remember those, there was a pandemic” feeling we’ll all have in October, except probably not; there will be a second wave reported no matter the severity.
Good news! The elevators will be plainly marked.
The other day I saw the hot dog stand was open. He was the last to leave; one of the most plaintive sights I recall during the early days of the abandonment of downtown was the guy sitting in his little shop, staring straight ahead at nothing. I went back today and bought a dog and welcomed him back. He'd decided to return on Monday, and put a sign up in the skyway telling the world there was hot food to be had down the escalator.
The food court area also has a convenience store:
Well, it had a convenience store.
Now we can relax because no one will catch anything in there.
Sorry if I sound ANTI-SCIENCE; I did support the two-week lockdown to flatten the curve and all that. I am now leaning towards heretical beliefs about contagion and prevalence.
We now have a cloth mask mandate indoors in public places in Minneapolis. I don't have a cloth mask. I have a lot of big paper ones. The number of times I expect to be stopped for not having cloth? Zero. I would be curious to see if anyone does deny admittance because my mask is not the proper material.
Why? Is cloth magic?
Well, it's the rule, that's all.
Okay, but I have a mask.
But it's not cloth.
If I had the thinnest possible cloth, would that be preferable to my thick paper mask?
Sir, it's the rule, that's all.
No, I am not a mask truther, and as I've said for weeks I wear them in public places - at first because I believed they provided protection (Obviously, some barrier is good if the person next to you explodes in a cough) and later because it's also a signal: I am observing the rudimentary courtesy this implies.
But here's the thing: when I go to the grocery store, I'm pretty sure no one has it. Oh, I can't be sure. Hence, precautions - don't grab the handle of the cart then rub your eyes. Had to break that habit! But I think the number of infected people walking around is vanishingly small. I could be wrong. But the idea that IT'S ALL AROUND US seems to motivate the people who find a damned odd satisfaction in living in fear and believing the worst.
One good piece of news:
The world is turning again.
I know I said I was done with this one until it opens, but I don't think I'll be arrested by the Blog Police for going against my previous resolution.
The trees around the plaza look nice. The plaza itself is another matter.
From my office, a new entry on the view out the window.
Let's drop down to the end of the Nicollet Mall to check the progress of the RBC Gateway and the apartmemt building going up across the street. Very brief video:
From my vast collection of things with almost no monetary value whatsover, I bring you this week's entry.
Here's a 1962 Mongolian stamp commemorating the existence of the common perch.
I'm not sure what more I can say about this.
The guy looks sad to be guilty:
Solution is here.
Back to the Draget Pretenders, the shows that arose in result to Webb's realistic cop show.
This is
It's Nightwatch, a show where you rode along with a real patrolman.
COPS, the early years. |

It's unscripted! That's the appeal!
Oh, the days when juvies boosted newspapers, to read them.
It does have Human Interest, but its plotlessness and unscripted nature probably doomed it.
My hero. I love this guy, and Keely was the coolest.

1975: Mel Brooks - for Circus Nuts! |

That'll do; hope you've enjoyed your visits. See you Monday, |