"Well, I'll approve the tunnel height, but let's just hope improved nutrition and sanitary conditions increase the average height of the population."

If you're wondering about giving Capstan for this or any other Christmas: "A capstan is a vertical-axled rotating machine developed for use on sailing ships to multiply the pulling force of seamen when hauling ropes, cables, and hawsers. The principle is similar to that of the windlass, which has a horizontal axle."

The perfect gift! It was also a cigarette. Unfiltered, Wikipedia say it's not sold much any more, and their ad slogan was - ready?

"Have a Capstan!"

As for the other poster, no child smiled when so many peas were presented.

Well, what have we today? The continuation of something presented before, except there's more of it. Let's have a look at some dime novel / pulp mags for boys of the Teddy Roosevelt era.

You might well be wondering: who's who?

That's easy. The Chief Inspector wouldn't be in uniform, or bent over the body. He's not around. His best man, Sheridan Keene, is on the scene.


Inspector, check the man for wax! We found wax on the door of the blown safe, and all the latest methods of crime deduction point towards the infallible identification abilities of earwax.



Did Keene get busted down to a beat walker?

Is the reader supposed to thrill at the idea of a tense, explosive pawn-shop bust?



There there, Mister Gunderblots, I'm sure you won't be charged, since we're years away from the Clean Food Act. But how do you account for this thing to which I am pointing, the object the artist has placed out of the field of the viewer's vision?

I'm glad they didn't spell it "klew," which was also in common use. It looks odd and illiterate.




Something tells me that's a slicker who hangs around the train station, waiting to fleece the rustics. You can tell he's a saucy jasper: white pants, checkered vest, big cravat. Quite the plunger.

All the kids knew that the local cops were ready to spring into action to save the rural folk from buying a bridge.


We're supposed to know that Steve Manley is a good guy. amd he's not the guy about to be plugged by the winner of the Miss Overdressed Pageant of 1899. Look at her composure, though - she has no compunctions about shooting the rascal, if it come to that.

Ah, 1900. The Good Old Days.


The format of the design is a missed opportunity - if they'd taken advantage of those bars, they could have made it 3D.

Is there Briggs? There is! Remember, this is a generous hiatus.




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