This YouTube testimonial calls it one of the "forgotten but still iconic characters of the home computer boom in the 1980s," and let me tell you, I'd no idea.

Nor was I aware of the Amstrad computer, because I didn't have to be. Wikipedia:

"Amstrad (also known as AMSTrad, for AMS, Alan Michael Sugar, and Trad for Trading) was founded in 1966 by Alan Sugar at the age of 19, the name of the original company being AMS Trading (Amstrad) Limited, derived from its founder's initials (Alan Michael Sugar). Amstrad entered the market in the field of consumer electronics. During the 1970s they were at the forefront of low-priced hi-fi, TV and car stereo cassette technologies. Lower prices were achieved by injection moulding plastic hi-fi turntable covers, undercutting competitors who used the vacuum forming process."

Sugar stepped down from leadership in 2008. Last line in the wikipedia entry:

Amstrad's former offices are now a Premier Inn Hotel.