Suck up, much, mister? The copy says "This is one instance where your husband won't be 'different'" - a nice term for being a scowly bastard when you tried something new you saw in a magazine that wasn't the same old piece of meat could could cook as nicely as the recipe said but he wouldn't care because he'd put ketchup on it. Ketchup and salt. Salt, for jinxie's sake. Then you added a tamale. You tried some "spanish" rice. Was that any reason to leave the house and go to the bar and eat that horrible food they have there? Horse meat? People got syphillis from that? Remember how he threw up? Remember who gave him broth the next day? Well, here's some more broth, dear. Look forward to lots of broth. I'm done cooking for you. I'll open a can, and that's it.