Sweaty fit men smoke Camels too!  You can’t blame them; Camels made alkaline digestive fluids gush, and that’s just an irresistible attribute. No one could digest anything in the 30s, I swear. Food just sat in their stomach like a pocket watch.

Everyone always talked about how Camels steadied the nerves, were easy on the nerves, didn’t get on your nerves, stimulated your alkaline nerves, etc. Were other cigarettes so soaked with nicotine you had to grab your smoking hand by the wrist to get the thing to your mouth?

Glenn Hardin won the 400 yard hurdle at the 1936 Olympics. They called him “Slats,” which may have been a gently mocking nickname. You put your foot through one hurdle in college, and you’re “Slats” the rest of your life.